Jacob is almost ready for his two top teeth to pop! You can see them, they are right there and will come through any day now....He is learning so many things, when you say where is the light? He looks up at the light. I tell him.."Grandpa is coming....grandpa is coming.." and he says papapapap. And of course he always says....mamamamama, that is his favorite word!

Danica has her two teeth on top, they are huge!!! She is learning so much as well!! If you ask her, "Do you want me to read you a book?" She looks right over at the book basket. Clap hands and wave bye-bye! She even shares her pacifier with her daddy....what a good girl she is! She is also exploring a lot lately since she has become so mobile.
Danica has her two teeth on top, they are huge!!! She is learning so much as well!! If you ask her, "Do you want me to read you a book?" She looks right over at the book basket. Clap hands and wave bye-bye! She even shares her pacifier with her daddy....what a good girl she is! She is also exploring a lot lately since she has become so mobile.
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