Sunday, February 22, 2009

1st time in the tub without the tubby seats...

A day of 1st.....

First time in the bath tub without the tubby seats...they were all over the place! New found freedom...

A day of 1st.....

First time in the car facing forward!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Getting so big!!!

Jacob and Danica are getting so big so quick. Here they are drinking from their sippy cups...

Here they are looking outside...

brother & sister watching tv....

playing with our new school bus...

Today is a big day...daddy is turning around their car seats!!! They will no longer be facing rear they will be able to see the front! It feels just like yesterday that we retired the infant seats, and now they will be facing front!

trying to escape....

Happy girl!

Danica is a pro at standing all by herself!! She can even clap her hands while she stands!

Jacob standing...ALL BY HIMSELF!!!

Jacob just started standing all by himself!!! He is very proud and he raises both arms way up high as to say "look what I can do!!"

We are proud of him too!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Very Close Up

Rainforest Cafe!

We went to the Rainforest Cafe! Jacob and Danica had their very first meal off the menu....
Mac-n-cheese! They loved it!

Danica looking over her menu....

WOW look at that big elephant!!!!

They also love seeing all the moving animals...elephant.... gorillas...zebras.... alligators and butterflies and lots and lots of fish!!!