Thursday, January 31, 2013

busy busy busy!

I have neglected my blog and haven't taken or posted any pictures in a while....Why? Because I am so busy busy busy!!

So, I thought I would do a little UPDATE on the children.....

Jacob....Is loving Karate and his Ice skating lessons but asked to not be signed back up for gymnastics anymore.  Okay, but I asked him why he doesn't want to continue and he says..."it's boring"
In school he is doing his 2X tables!!! Pretty incredible for a five year old pre-schooler!!!
He has a lot of friends in school, when I ask him about his friends he says..."I have 6 friends mommy"!!!!! "Max, Benjamin, Itamar, Jacob L, Rocco and Evan"  He really is enjoying and learning a lot this year.  We are very proud of him!
Oh and best of all....he told me that he is "going to break the rules and marry mommy!"

Danica...loves dance (which is tap/hip hop class), still loves going to gymnastics and seems to be tolerating ice skating lesson...(very cold at the rink) She loves her school and all her girlfriends.  Danica seems to really like listening to music now and singing....too cute!!
Pink is still her all time favorite color for everything!!!! And she won't leave the house without her purse!  Such a little lady!!!
Danica is still the sweetest and always thinks of her twin! After dance class when the girls get a lollipop, she always brings home a "cotton candy" lollipop for her brother....she's a good girl!

Maxwell....AKA...Mr. Mischief, Mr. Trouble.....loves to climb on, in and over anything he can! Has the cutest smile and his favorite thing is giving his sister (Mikayla) her milk bottle! He always grabs hers, finds her and give it to her...adorable!!!  He likes taking a toy pot or pan, and a stirrer (spoon) and pretends to cook up something.  He loves Elmo, cars and trucks! 
He is getting so big!  Max likes to wrestle around with Jacob and sometimes Mikayla, which usually never ends well!

Mikayla...."are u a cutie pie?" ...."are u a cutie pie?" When u ask her that she shakes her head yes and yes..."YEA" sooo funny!!! She loves loves puppies, loves to go shopping with her purse and shopping cart, adorable.  Mikayla is so much fun! She loves tickles and giggles the cutest giggle u have ever heard!    She loves Elmo!!!!  She now calls Maxwell "bubby"....(I think she got that from me)  She loves to give kisses AND hugs!!!
Mikayla is also getting so big!! She has been putting three words together ....."thank you mommy"
She also loves playing hide and seek!!! She runs behind a chair and is real quiet till I find her! 
She also loves coloring with her older brother and sister.

Overall the children are happy and healthy! What more could I ask for?

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Valentine's Day Photo Shoot

Despite the runny noses and Wintery red/rashy faces, I attempted a photo shoot for a Valentine's Day card 2013.

Happy Valentine's Day from The Kritz Children....check your mailboxes soon!!

Jacob breaking boards!!!

What a GREAT night! Daddy took Jacob to a board breaking demonstration at Karate! The children were to write down goals on their boards, some of Jacobs goals were.....
#1 To Do Good In School
#2 To Do Good In T-Ball and Soccer
#3 To "Love My Family"
We are so proud of our little man but most importantly HE is proud of himself

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mommy's birthday

Thanks Howie for a great birthday! Spent my morning at the Spa! Then a fantastic lobster & clam lunch at Pubb 199, gifts and flowers and ice cream cake!!! And even had my car washed!!! Thank you so much, my birthday was wonderful!!!!

Our sweet, gorgeous Danica had her hair cut today for the very first time!!!

She cut 2 inches off the length of Danica's hair

The first cut