Friday, June 26, 2009

Getting So Big!!!

Jacob and Danica are doing new things every day. They are talking more and more!
Here are some of the things they know....When you ask them what does ....
The cat say..."meow"
The lion say..."aarrr"
The monkey say....they make the monkey sound!
What does Danica say....."MaMa" (melts my heart every time)
What does Jacob say...."Car"
When they see a picture of grandpa they scream..."PaPa"
Danica has learned how to climb up on the couch ....see video!
They both climb up the stairs....not down YET!
We are down to 1 bottle a day! Just before bedtime and yes bedtime is still at 7pm!
And last night we started to teach them about brushing their teeth....

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day 2009

We started our Father's Day this year with a new tradition.....we went to the dinner with Grandma & Grandpa for breakfast. Jacob LOVED the pancakes!!!

Later that day everyone came over our house for a Father's Day celebration!!! The sun came out and we all enjoyed our day together!!!

What a beautiful day it was!!! We LOVE our family very much!