Friday, March 11, 2011

Twin growth appointment.....

Today we took Jacob and Danica to "see" their new brother and sister for the first time! Unfortunately the babies didn't cooperate so they really couldn't see any good images. But they were super good in the doctors office and I was so proud of them.

Baby A (girl) 4 lbs. 3 oz

Baby B (boy) 4 lbs. 12 oz

Let the countdown begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Look! Look! Look what I did mommy!!!

Jacob showed us his arm by throwing his (thank g-d only wet) diaper on the ceiling fan....

Helping Daddy!

Today Jacob and Danica helped daddy put together the pack-n-plays for their baby brother & sister....

Jacob using his drill and doing a great job....

Getting excited!

Jacob & Danica are all ready to go with their new shirts!